Life at $23K

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How I Made $3000 This Month As an Artist and Witch

I first learned of Rachel after seeing this testimonial video she did for Daniella, creator of I Like To Dabble. I was like, "Holy shit this chick is fucking cool!" and immediately followed/stalked her Instagram. When Rachel reached out about a guest post, I couldn't say yes fast enough.
Even if the witchy world isn't your thing, Rachel has a way of showing us there is money to be made doing anything. All you have to do is put it out there and ask. This weeks post covers how Rachel made $3,000 in March while being her witchy, theater-loving, crafty af self.

How I Made $3000 This Month As an Artist and Witch

I would’ve never expected for my job title to be “professional witch”.

But here I am, reading tarot and casting spells for a living- lowkey, kinda the dream. I was one of those kids who had pet rocks and mixed potions made of shampoo in the sink. Enchanting art supplies and making beaded earrings, color magick paintings, and spell jars listening to show tunes until 4 am every day wasn’t something Baby Rachel thought could be an actual career.

In the year or so since I started switching from coaching to witchcraft, I’ve garnered over thirty regular clients. On top of that, I make an extra couple hundred every week selling crafts at my local flea market. It’s a legit, full-time career at this point- pretty fucking cool if I do say so myself.

I’m what’s known as a “chaos witch”. Someone who uses magick 100% intuitively, and practices impulsively. So I don’t plan out my days much. But here’s how it usually goes.

Life is a party. I live by The Fool card, which I take to mean as treating life like one big experiment. On that note, let’s talk about what all this chaos made me this month.

My hustles break down into five things- tarot, spell work, selling crafts and antiques, teaching, and writing. Like I said, dream job for a lil’ witch like me. Let’s see what I made!!!

Tarot- $805

I’ve been building my tarot business for a little under a year, and the big thing is the quality of the reading. That keeps people coming back! I also like to check in on clients every now and again to let them know about new stuff. They seem to appreciate it, because I’m a lazy entrepreneur without an email list. Trust me, even low-effort entrepreneurship works if you’re really passionate about what you’re doing, to the point where you don’t want to spend any time doing anything else besides the fun parts. Highly recommended.

Spell work- $144 

I love making custom spell jars for people. If you’re an aspiring professional witch, this is a super cool product to have in your offerings. Everyone loves a good manifestation spell, and it’s a great chance to learn more about herbs, crystals, and color magick. 

Plus, the magick part is pretty cool.

Teaching- $1111 

This is where that Fool card thing comes in, guys. I reached out to one of my regulars, asking if they would ever be interested in witchy coaching (even though I personally hate the word “coach”, but whatever). To my surprise, she immediately said yes and asked me to name my price. 

It goes to show that it never hurts to ask, and if you’ve built a good rapport with your clients, it’s not as weird as just a random cold DM (don’t do that, please).

Selling Crafts and Antiques- $496 

Kind of a slow month for the flea market vending. I typically make about $200 a week working every Sunday, but I missed a week this month and had a little less sales than usual. I sell weird earrings, spooky antiques, candles, collages, and mystery bags. That last one is the most lucrative, btw. No one can resist a mystery bag.

Writing- $550

One copywriting gig and two blogs. Again, this all came from a place of “it never hurts to ask”. 

Literally, we would all be so much happier if we weren’t afraid to ask for things we want. It’s like that meme of the guy who always wanted to sit in a fire truck as a kid, and only recently did he muster up the courage to actually go to the fire station and ask. Spoiler alert, they said yes, and now he has a viral picture of him absolutely beaming in the driver’s seat of a fire truck. If only we could all experience that level of joy. 

Oh yeah, also don’t take any writing gig for under $100. Set your rates, and be firm.

Remember, anything can be a job. It’s a blessing and a curse, but if your secret dream is to be a fairy or mermaid or witch or whatever, you actually can. Childhood dreams come true, bitches.

About Rachel

Rachel Quint is a writer, performer, artist, crafter, and professional witch. She’s written for Funny or Die,, Rue Morgue, and others. Rachel recently began her own blog about her process of moving to England as a Pagan. Find her on IG at @rachelquintisabadbitch and on her blog